Working while sick

Schermafbeelding 2018-11-12 om 17.08.03

Compared with the general population, healthcare workers (HCWs) have an increased risk of being exposed to respiratory pathogens including flu, causing a potential threat for their own health and their patients’ safety.  At present, the problem of HCW vaccination seems to get the main attention when dealing with influenza prevention, whereas the problem of HCWswho work while feeling sick, seems to be far less addressed.  That is, until recently when Chow et al. studied hospital-acquired respiratory viral infections, sick leave policy, and a need for culture change.

The ISAC Infection Control Study group had already piloted a survey on the topic and wishes to poll your thoughts with the present survey.

While there is nothing to earn, except of the good feeling of having helped someone, we kindly ask you to take the questionnaire (takes 4-5 minutes) and send it to others, including friends or family not in healthcare, as we are especially interested in possible differences.

Link for the survey:

Thanks for helping and of course results will be back on this blog.

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